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Hello, Bicycle - An Inspired Guide to the Two-Wheeled Life
Hello, Bicycle - An Inspired Guide to the Two-Wheeled Life
Brones, Anna

An inspirational and encouraging illustrated guide to the world of bicycles and cycling, with practical information on bike buying, riding, repairs, and maintenance.

Bicycling is one of life's simple joys--it's fun, freeing, and good for the planet and our health. Yet, the world of cycling can be intimidating to new riders or those looking to get back into it. What kind of bike is best? How can casual riders make the switch to bike commuting? What simple maintenance can be done at home and what does a bike mechanic need to handle? Hello, Bicycle demystifies biking life, making it approachable to all. Covering everything you need to know, from changing flats and lubing chains to picnicking and traveling with bikes, this attractively packaged guide offers something for cyclists of all levels.

Second hand Paperback