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Where Has My Little Girl Gone?
Where Has My Little Girl Gone?
Carey, Tanith

Tanith Carey is a successful journalist and mother of two girls. When her 7-year old came home from school one day saying she needed to diet, she was shocked: the D-word is one Tanith never uses. Since that day she has encountered more surprises—her daughter is already fighting battles of self-image that used to be preserve of much older girls, and she needs parental help to win them. A recent Home Office review of the Sexualization of Girls has shown that girls are feeling pressure to conform to certain ideas of beauty at earlier and earlier ages. There are several books on the subject by sociologists and feminists, analyzing the trend. But there is no book on the market for parents of girls—equipping them to provide support, for difficult conversations, and enabling their girls to be happy and confident. Drawing on her own experience as well as the expertise of psychologists and specialists, Tanith Carey offers parents just this.

Second hand Paperback