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The Age of the Warrior - Selected Essays
Fisk, Robert

Robert Fisk has reported from the Middle East for thirty-two years and covered eleven major wars. Britains most celebrated foreign correspondent, he is allowed unique freedom to speak out against what he sees as the fraud and injustices of a world in which consent has become automatic. In a journalistic age in which even the mildest criticism of authority is considered subversive, Fisks reporting is more vital than ever. In The Age of the Warrior, Fisks eloquent and far-ranging articles on international politics have been brought together in a single volume for the first time. He takes us from the London bombings to the streets of Lebanon, from war-torn Iraq to the squalor of Gaza, offering courageous eyewitness accounts of our bloodstained past and present. A collection of remarkable breadth and power from one of the most popular, provocative, and indefatigable journalists, The Age of the Warrior is indispensable reading for our complex, battle-scarred world....

Second hand Paperback