Wanted Dead or Alive - Jonesy's Deer Chasing Days
'Wanted Dead or Alive' or more accurately Jonesy?s deer chasing days, is the second book in the continuing saga of Colin Jones.
The culling days were over and now with a young bride and children Colin had to turn his hand to feeding the whanau and putting a roof over their heads. A job as a car salesman lasted for most of the first morning before Colin realised that it was not for him. What he did know about was the bush, where were found deer and the sneaky tricks they employed to live long and healthy lives.
Meat shooting provided an income but things really took off when live deer were suddenly worth $3000 each. This was the time to make a killing (figuratively speaking). Armed with some flash pakeha technology Jonesy took to the bush to capture them alive.
Unfortunately the deer wishing to retain their freedom did not want to co-operate.
So sit back, relax and relive the years and yarns with Colin Jones. Return to an age when men were men, women were at home with the kids and the deer were, for once, winning.