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Authentic Woman - A Guide to Beauty, Body and Bliss
Authentic Woman - A Guide to Beauty, Body and Bliss
Kenton, Leslie & Susannah

With so many articles and images in the media encouraging women to become thinner, younger and more successful, it is no wonder that females of all ages feel oppressed and face a constant struggle to achieve these ideals. Coming to their rescue with quick-fix solutions is the beauty industry offering a panoply of treatments that promise to change women's physical appearance and as a result their mental well-being too. Yet Leslie and Susannah Kenton argue that these are fruitless attempts at life enrichment - what really follows are feelings of dissatisfaction and vacuity. In their authoritative and inspiring guide, Leslie and Susannah offer an alternative to the beauty industry's empty promises: by embracing her authenticity and expressing her own individuality, a woman will radiate health and beauty naturally and feel truly empowered. The guide is secret because each woman's life journey is unique and she must discover her own path to fulfillment. Divided into three sections, Body, Beauty and Bliss, this comprehensive guide covers the full spectrum of a woman's needs for inner and outer health and beauty.

Second hand Paperback