Freedom's Battle - Volume 1 - The War at Sea 1939-1945 AND Volume 2 - The War in the Air 1939-1945 - An Anthology of Personal Experience
Volume 1 - Far more than the First, the Second World War produced hundreds of actions and incidents at sea which were packed with drama and suspense, and which evoked the highest heroism. Here is a generous selection of personal experience, written by the men and women who were there - in the British and Commonwealth Navies, the Fleet Air Arm, the Merchant Navy and ashore, from Narvik, Dunkirk, the River Plate and Taranto, to the Bismarck, Crete, the Battle of the Atlantic and the Russian convoys. Few books can contain so much that is exciting and so much that is heroic. The sea is a way of life, and all those who lived it are represented from the greatest Admiral to the humblest sailor or Wren. Much humour is mingled with the tension and the courage...
Volume 2 - All the great dramas of the air war are here described by the men in the British and Commonwealth Air Forces who actually did the fighting in the desperate days of the fall of France, during the Battle of Britain, throughout the agony of Bomber Command, over the high seas, Malta, the desert battles, and in the wrestling match with the Japanese. Nor are the songs of the airmen forgotten - cynical, sardonic and war. For those who lived through the Second World War this anthology will revive memories of a daring and an endurance which, in retrospect, seem beyond the bounds of possibility. But this is how it was...