White Cloud Soaring - The Story of 24-7 Prayer in Aotearoa
Flag Publications, Welington, 2009. Good secondhand condition.
The idea of praying 24 hours a day 7 days a week is nothing new. Isaiah describes watchmen on the walls of Jerusalem who keep praying day and night.
White Cloud Soaring is a ?Down Under? version of Red Moon Rising by Pete Greig and Dave Roberts. Both books tell the story of 24-7 Prayer in the two hemispheres. There are different people, different places, different Prayer Rooms, different prayers, different skies and different clouds but the same God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
?white cloud soaring is simple, yet deep and challenging. Judith?s story, yet our story. A completed work, yet just the beginning. After reading the opening chapter I had only one response:
?MORE!!? More of this book, more of God, more of heaven invading earth.?
Shar Davis ? Salvation Army Officer