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Welcome to the Amazon Club
Welcome to the Amazon Club
Bissell, Jane

Published by Longacre Press (May 7, 2004), 200 pages.
This is the account of a year in the author's life from her diagnosis with breast cancer to shortly after her first 'all-clear'. Jane Bissell's bold direct writing makes clear-eyed observations of her day to day realities. It's a human look at the nitty-gritty of treatment and its aftermath by someone curious, intelligent, and insightful. Jane Bissell skilfully captures the nuances of the physical and emotional territory she travels in her quest to make sense of what is happening to her. Welcome to the Amazon Club succeeds in dispelling the many myths that surround breast cancer and brings to view the possibilities of an experience that carries as much empowerment and strange reward as it does difficulty. The book would work for readers on several fronts; helpful for those who are going through a similar struggle or for those who are helping someone close to them.

Second hand Paperback