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The Spirit of Hadrian's Wall
Clegg, Roger (photographer) and Richards, Mark (text)

No great landscape echoes times past more eloquently than Hadrian's Wall. This visual distillation of images provides a rare insight into the Wall and its landscape at times of day and seasons of the year that few visitors ever see. Here, among this array of superb images, Roger Clegg captures the Wall in a succession of evocative and timeless moments. While many visitors walk on the Wall from coast to coast along its National Trail, precious few witness the fired skies of dawn and dusk, see the ghostly veils of mist as they unshawl from the crags, or know the beauty of drifting snow banked against this ancient frontier.The Roman footprint is writ large, but since then the unfolding years have also cast long human shadows upon a this ancient land. Here lurk stories from the age of Arthur, the early Christian missionaries, the Court of Kings and the Reiver years, as well as evidence of 'firsts' in the industrial and cultural world. Feast your eyes on this timeless treasury of images and take to heart its enduring spirit. Roger Clegg's photography is not merely a record of the Wall, it investigates and captures its character in context. A companion to this picture-trove is the Cicerone guide to Hadrian's Wall Path.

Second hand Hardback