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Something I Said? Innuendo and Out the Other
Feldman, Michael

The University of Wisconsin Press, Madison, Wisconsin, 2004. Good secondhand condition. Includes CD.

What we have here is another mighty slim volume from Michael Feldman, best known (when known at all) for his public radio show Whad'ya Know (sic). Feldman, who spouts off about things he knows not much about weekly, here writes them down:

· how to get your own radio show and what you can do with it once you do, · paranoia, · marriage (or as Feldman likes to refer to it, a long-term bad relationship), · Hitler, · SUVs, · child-rearing (although it sounds like it's the author who is being reared), · a number of short pieces on places he and his crew have visited for their remote possibilities, · more references to gentiles than absolutely necessary (seems to be an issue for Feldman, although he is tickled with the notion that, to a Mormon, he is one), · some attempts to misrepresent scientific or social research for humorous purposes, · many personal revelations that prove the examined life is not necessarily worth living either, · and pages and pages of fluff.

Second hand Hardback