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Memories of the Old Plantation Home and a Creole Family Album
Memories of the Old Plantation Home and a Creole Family Album
Gore, Laura Locoul and Marmillion, Norman and Marmillion, Sand

Consists of two sections, the first being a memoir written by Laura Locuol Gore and finished in 1936, when she was 74 years old. The memoir describes several generations of her Creole family back to the early 1800s, and the plantation they owned in St. James Parish, Louisiana, about 54 miles from New Orleans. The plantation was eventually named for her, but later abandoned, and this memoir was written for her children late in life. There are vignettes of life before the Civil War, told to her by her parents and grandparents, along with her own memories of growing up there (she was born in 1862, just as slavery was ending). It only touches on slavery in discussing some interaction with former slaves when she was growing up. The second section is entitled "A Creole Family Album" and consists of commentary, photographs and documents on the places and people in Laura's family life (her memoir was written from her own memory and experiences, without the use of supporting documentation). Includes partial family trees of the Duparc and Locoul families....

Second hand Paperback