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Lessons in Taxidermy - An Astonishing Tale of Sickness and Survival
Lessons in Taxidermy - An Astonishing Tale of Sickness and Survival
Lavender, Bee

Diagnosed with cancer at age twelve and perilously pregnant at eighteen, surviving surgeries and violent accidents: sometimes you can't believe Bee Lavender is still alive; sometimes you think nothing could kill her. Bee Lavender holds nothing back as she recounts her life spent in and out of hospitals and her subsequent dissociation from her own body and emotions. She struggles with health problems from birth, which are compounded by her surroundings, including frequent encounters with street fights, domestic violence and poverty. Her voice is as strong as the front she puts up for the multitude of doctors she sees, and it's hard not to be in awe of what one fragile human being can withstand in the course of such a short lifetime. Her strength and sheer determination to live make this striking book completely engrossing.

Second hand Paperback