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Manhattan to Baghdad - Despatches from the Frontline in the War on Terror
Manhattan to Baghdad - Despatches from the Frontline in the War on Terror
McGeough, Paul

On September 11th, Paul McGeough stood transfixed on the streets of downtown Manhattan. Only a month earlier he had been in Afghanistan, reporting on the humanitarian crisis gripping the country under Taliban rule. Now he was forced to run for his life as the World Trade Center's second tower collapsed in a cloud of smoke and debris. Foreign correspondents are forever on the road: within weeks of George W. Bush's declaration of the War on Terror, McGeough was back in Afghanistan, reporting from the trenches on the US-led war against Osama bin Laden and the Taliban. What followed was 12 months hurtling around the globe, from shattered New York to the frontlines of war-torn Central Asia and the mess of the Middle East. He returned to New York for the anniversary of the terrorist attacks, and then it was back to Baghdad...

Second hand Trade Paperback