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Having Twins: A Parent's Guide to Pregnancy, Birth, and Early Childhood
Having Twins: A Parent's Guide to Pregnancy, Birth, and Early Childhood
Noble, Elizabeth

This complete guide to multiple pregnancy is now fully revised and brought up to date with a decade's advances in research, in understanding the psychology of parents and twins, and in the author's experise in guiding expectant and new parents through all aspects of having twins. More women than ever are having twins, and this book is ever more needed. And because every multiple pregnancy is by definition a special-needs pregnancy, the parents should have all the knowledge available to promote a successful outcome. Of particular interest in the revised edition are new chapters on prenatal psychology, prevention and treatment of premature delivery, twin bonding, and the experience of loss. The best and latest in prenatal care is stressed, with special attention to the importance of nutrition and physical preparation.

Second hand Paperback