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A Very Lonely Planet: Love, Sex, and the Single Guy
A Very Lonely Planet: Love, Sex, and the Single Guy
Bigge, Ryan

Welcome to the Very Lonely Planet: the kingdom of single guydom, a place for men to discuss women problems—the problem being, there aren't any women. It's a place where doggy-style sex means drooling and begging and not much else. It's a halfway house for teenage boys, weepy twentysomething indie-rock sad sacks; the divorced, the widowed, the wretched, and everything in between. The Very Lonely Planet is neither heaven nor hell, but a place that gets warmer, stickier, and more uncomfortable with each passing day, a kind of Gilligan's Island, populated by unlucky single guys whose attempts to escape the island's confines are elaborate, humorous, and rarely successful.

A Very Lonely Planet traces the history and psychology of the single guy. It is one single guy's guide to navigating the search for love, companionship, and presumed eternal happiness. Divided into five sections—Denial, Anger, Fear, Bargaining, Acceptance—earn about the history of the Very Lonely Planet, its formation (Bronze Age, Stone Age, Machine Age, Alone Age) and institutions (self-government; i.e., "Every man for himself"). Also included is a look at the four magic words—"We Have To Talk"—that commences one's free flight to the enchanted forest of the Very Lonely Planet.

Second hand Paperback