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Need to Know - NLP: Achieve Success with Positive Thinking
Need to Know - NLP: Achieve Success with Positive Thinking
Boyes, Carolyn

Everything you really need to know about Neuro Linguistic Programming is presented in a clear, illustrated guide. Unlock and enhance your mind with tools and techniques to help improve your communication skills and your quality of life. Need to know? Neuro-Linguistic Programming gives a complete overview of the fascinating power of the mind, helping the individual to better not only their own life, but consequently the lives of others around them. No-nonsense text, practical information and up-to-date web resources simplify what many find to be a daunting subject area. The features include: covers the basics and key principles of NLP, exploring its history and charting its increasing significance; clarifies the jargon; explains how NLP can be practically applied to both your professional and personal life; outlines the different models of methodology and programming that can be used to manipulate the mind, making for more effective communication in everyday life; and exercises, techniques and activities.

Second hand Paperback