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The Lessons of Terror - A History of Warfare Against Civilians - Why it has Always Failed, and Why it will Fail Again
The Lessons of Terror - A History of Warfare Against Civilians - Why it has Always Failed, and Why it will Fail Again
Carr, Caleb

In the wake of the attacks on New York and Washington many people believe we have entered a new world, but in this thought-provoking and thorough examination of the history of terrorism we can take comfort from the fact that we have been in this new world before - and survived. By drawing on the examples of history from the ancient, mediaeval and early modern worlds, Carr demonstrates how attempts to control civilian populations with the use of terror grew into a persistent problem in human history. Moving forward into more recent times he then demonstrates how and why such tactics have consistently failed their perpetrators - from the British scorched earth policy during the American War of Independence to terror at sea during WWI to the Japanese rape of China in WWII to the war in Vietnam and, ultimately, to the actions of Islamic extremists today. An important and timely book which throws much needed light on many of the questions being posed today....

Second hand Paperback