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Hist, Geog - UK / Ireland / Scotland

William Wallace - Brave Heart
Mackay, James
Yesterday's Town - Stafford
Butters, Paul
Ireland - Landmarks, Landscapes and Hidden Treasures
Eyres, Kevin and Kerrigan, Michael
Britain from the Air
Struthers, Jane and Hawkes, Jason (photographs)
History in Our Time
Cannadine, David
Remains of a Revolution
Burton, Anthony and Coote, Clive (photography)
Cheshunt's Part in Pictures
Rooke, Peter
I asked Cathleen to Dance
Windsor, Gerard
Harrison, William Jerome and Crosby, Alan (editor)
Holy Island
Weightman, M. Scott
Pepys - A Biography
Ollard, Richard Lawrence
London - The Biography of a City
Hibbert, Christopher
Forest Hill and Sydenham - Britain in Old Photographs
Coulter, John and Seaman, John


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