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Mission to Ethiopia - An American Lutheran Memoir 1957-2003
Mission to Ethiopia - An American Lutheran Memoir 1957-2003
Flachman, Leonard and Seitz, Merlyn (editors)

The visit of the American Lutherans to the church in Ethiopia lasted 46 years. The Americans and a few colleagues from Norway, Sweden, and the Netherlands came to accomplish great things for the Gospel. While many were not aware of it, they were a part of great transformations. The evangelical church in Ethiopia went through its adolescent growth spurt. As you read the memoirs in this book, you will see the wonder, infatuation, and anxiety of people who are watching the Spirit of God at work. They came to influence the spiritual landscape of a country, but, in reality, they were transformed. After sojourns of months duration to forty plus years these special observers of the Spirit's work still love - without nostalgia - the people, the rugged land, and the growing, witnessing, praising body of Christ in Ethiopia...

Second hand Trade Paperback