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Long Shot - My Bipolar Life and the Horses Who Saved Me
Long Shot - My Bipolar Life and the Horses Who Saved Me
Harris, Sylvia

Alcohol. Lithium. Buddhist chanting. To quiet the voices in her mind, Sylvia Harris tried all of them. Her bipolar depression brought on bouts of erratic behavior and unsettling delusions. It led her to look for love in all the wrong places and to create a family she had difficulty caring for. But it was at the nadir of her twenty-year battle with this devastating illness that Harris found redemption in the least likely of places - an equine ranch outside Orlando, Florida. Written with an unflinching eye toward her weaknesses and a reverent wonder at the healing power of horses, "Long Shot" is Harris's tale of perseverance in which an underdog in life becomes a champion on the track and her Thoroughbred becomes a beacon of hope...

Second hand Paperback