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The Year of Living Biblically - One Man's Humble Quest to Follow the Bible as Literally as Possible
The Year of Living Biblically - One Man's Humble Quest to Follow the Bible as Literally as Possible
Jacobs, A.J.

Raised in a secular family, but increasingly interested in the relevance of faith in our modern world, Jacobs decides to dive in headfirst and attempt to obey the Bible as literally as possible for one full year. He vows to follow the Ten Commandments. To be fruitful and multiply. To love his neighbour. But also to obey the hundreds of less publicised rules: to avoid wearing clothes made of mixed fibres; to play a ten-string harp; to stone adulterers... Both laugh out loud funny and enlightening... an entirely absorbing read...

Second hand Trade Paperback
9780434017119 or 9780099509790