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Te Whatu Taniko - Taniko Weaving and Tradition
Te Whatu Taniko - Taniko Weaving and Tradition
Mead, Hirini Moko


Hirini Mead is a renowned Maori writer and commentator. This contains easy-to-follow patterns and line-drawing instructions for technique The book Taniko Weaving is a taonga handed down by the ancestors to us of today. As a taonga it will always remain a treasure of great value which will be there waiting to be touched again, warmed and given a new lease of life - Hirini Moko Mead. Taniko weaving is one of the supreme expressions of Maori art. Weaving and dyeingthe fibres of native flax creates elaborate, beautiful patterns that are used to adornclothing, with distinctive styles that have evolved over centuries of creativity.This has been the standard work on the subject since its first publication as TanikoWeaving in 1952. Since rewritten and updated, Te Whatu Taniko provides the history and social context for weaving, as well as clear, practical guidelines for making taniko. Using the books clear and concise graphs and drawings, readers can utilise this bookto weave the beautiful patterns within. The instructions can be used as a beginnersguide or a refresher resource, or simply to enjoy and admire this beautiful artform.

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