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New Zealand Endangered Species - Birds, Bats, Reptiles, Freshwater Fishes, Snails, and Insects
New Zealand Endangered Species - Birds, Bats, Reptiles, Freshwater Fishes, Snails, and Insects
Lockley, Ronald and Cusa, Noel W (Illustrations)

Cassell NZ 1980 edition
From the arrival of the first Polynesian settlers a thousand years ago to the present day, man has been the destroyer of much of New Zealand's beautiful endemic wildlife. To this paradise free of mammalian predators the Maoris brought dogs and kiore rats and with in 800 years were responsible for the extermination moas and several species. Europeans settlers achieved the same feat in less than 200 years with the introduction of numerous predatory mammals and herbivores to compete with and destroyed the weak-winged birds, reptiles, snails and insects. Rare and endanged species or subspecies of New Zealand have been vividly recorded here by Noel Cusa's paintings in full colour. They are described by Richard Lockley, who explains why they are in danger of extention and what's being done to try and save them, as man, belatedly, endeavours to play the new role of protector...

Second hand Hardback