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Literature - A Crash Course
Literature - A Crash Course
Bell, Cory

LITERATURE - A CRASH COURSE is an exhilarating tour around the well-stocked library of world Literature with a capital L. From the pellucid precision of the Japanese haiku to the baggy, angst-ridden maunderings of the Great American Novel, here is the best and worst of human literary endeavour. Epics, lyrics, Georgics, Romantics, Anglo-Saxon, Anglo-Indian, hard-boiled thrillers or soft-centred pastorals - all have been exposed to the keen gaze of Cory Bell who has laboured tirelessly to give you the Works. Including all the important writers of every continent as well as every literary movement, LITERATURE - A CRASH COURSE is an invaluable guide. Read it and you will never again confuse your Rilke with your Rimbaud.

Second hand Hardback