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The Guide: How to kiss, get a job and other stuff you need to know
The Guide: How to kiss, get a job and other stuff you need to know
Loder, Mike and Williams, Terry

Simply put this is a guide to all sorts of things that teenagers need to or want to know about, from getting a job to how to kiss. The book is presented as a humorous read, but under the jokes lie some very important issues, helpful advice and good information. For example there is a very helpful section on smoking that makes you think right from the start why someone would start smoking. It covers things that people don’t usually think about like the costs of the habit and how being addicted to cigarettes will change you, as well as the usual health affects. More importantly, it has a comprehensive section on quitting and covers all the things you will go through when you try to quit.

Being a New Zealand publication, the help numbers in the book and other information is correct for New Zealanders. It is not a case of find a service that might be helpful when you read the book, only to find it is only available to residents of the US.

The most important thing about the guide is that it helps readers to make informed choices in their lives. It is after all a guide and like all guides, readers can make the ultimate choice of whether or not to follow it. The information in it, however helps readers to make choices on things by giving some information that is not readily available or might not be mentioned if they talk to friends, peers or parents.

In all this really is a helpful must read book for young and not so young adults to help guide them to making good decisions in life.

Second hand Paperback