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Performance and Customizing Guide For Motorcycle Cruisers
Remus, Tim

Cruiser owners have never been in a better position to personalize their machines. An explosion of interest in the metric market means that there are now more aftermarket parts than ever before.

Performance & Customizing Guide for Motorcycle Cruisers, shows how to use your own creativity and those aftermarket parts to build a bike that is unmistakably your own. Eleven chapters include: Planning, Engine hop up, Suspension, Wheels and Tires, Brakes, Dream Bikes, Paint, Accessories, Fasteners and Sheet Metal. Designed to help you with both the choice of parts and their installation, this book is part buyer's guide and part installation manual.

Interviews with experts like Arlen Ness help the reader tap into ideas and experience gained over a lifetime of building and designing motorcycles.

Whether it's learning how to design a bike, chose a custom paint job, pick the right accessories or find extra horsepower, the information you need is here.

Eleven chapters, 144 pages, and over 300 images help you:

Make your bike your very own
Design a cruiser from mild to wild
Use simple parts to dramatic effect
Choose parts that make sense and work together
Create a bike that handles and performs far better than stock
Get the best bang for the buck when buying parts and accessories

Second hand Paperback