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Haste to the Battle - A Marine Commando at War
Haste to the Battle - A Marine Commando at War
Moulton, J.L.

Cassell & Co, 1963

This is the story of 48 Royal Marine Commando, told by its Commanding Officer 18 years later. It is not a Unit history or a senior officer's memoirs, but a very personal account, by a front-line commander, of infantry fighting in Normandy and Holland, and of the thoughts, feelings and personalities of those who fought 'on their feet close to the enemies.' General Moulton tells of the unit's participation in the Sicily landings, their return to Britain for training, and how it met near disaster on the Normandy beaches. He continues through the defence of the beach-head, the pursuit, and the heart-warming days of the Liberation of France. The unit slowly rebuilt. It survived the bloody butvital assault on Walcheren, opening up Antwero to supply the Allied forces, and emerged triumphant for the relief of occupied Holland...

Second hand Hardback